Unlock your brand’s
true impact.

Access validated insights into how consumers perceive and use your brand, pinpoint areas to refine your product or service that align with what your consumers truly want, and boost your brand’s health.

Validate your brand health

MFour - Brand Perception
Visit Pattern Targeting

Find out who visited you or your competitors’ locations, track their online and offline visit patterns – whether they are loyal, agnostic, or lapsed consumers – and survey them to gain valuable insights into their thoughts and preferences about your brand or your competitors.

Point of Emotion® 

Collect feedback from consumers about their preferences and opinions about your brand within 24 hours of their experience, ensuring accurate insights for your brand strategies and customer relationships.

OmniTraffic® Data

Enrich your brand’s metrics by blending validated survey and behavior data, bridging the gap between what your consumers say and what they actually do.

vTracker+™ brand health outcomes

Optimize your marketing campaigns by leveraging validated consumer insights to understand your audience preferences, refine targeting, and maximize ROI.

Analyze competitor data to benchmark your brand, uncover valuable insights, and adjust your tactics to maintain a competitive edge.

Explore stated and behavioral consumer data to develop personalized strategies that connect with your audience and keep them coming back.

Monitor the success of marketing tactics, measure campaign impact, and continuously refine your strategies for optimal results.

vTracker+™ Campaign Planning

Capture the metrics that matter

  • Brand awareness, health, and equity
  • Competitive positioning
  • NPS, CSAT, and loyalty
  • Purchasing drivers and barriers
OmniTraffic® Behaviors
  • App, web, or location analytics
  • Shopping behaviors
  • Social media engagement
vTracker+™ - Customer Satisfaction

Track your brand’s health, monitor competitors, and
analyze validated behaviors all on one platform.

Learn more about vTracker+™