Eliminate competitive blindspots.

MFour OmniTraffic® Competitor Experience Tracking.

MFour OmniTraffic® Competitor Experience Tracking.

Validated Competitor Feedback
Observe validated online & offline property visits, then send surveys to prevent online panel fraud.

Point of Emotion®
Collect feedback within 24 hours of consumer experience for fresh and immediate insights.

Get a comprehensive view of your hard-to-reach purchaser segments & non-purchasers and competitor brand shoppers for benchmarking across channels.

Own & keep every segment.

Own store “hard to reach” demographics
Receipt or loyalty program surveys tend to garner responses from skewed demographics and those who had polarizing positive or negative experiences.

Own store non-purchasers
Find out why people left your online and/or property and didn’t purchase, discover their preferences, then create targeted strategies to win next time.

Competitor customers
Talk with those who shopped your competition to understand why and how you convert them to your brand.

Largest mobile audience

Largest mobile audience

The data you need when you need it.

The data you need when you need it.

Metrics that matter
Category Awareness
Customer Consideration

Executive Scorecard
Provide stakeholders with concise metrics for informed decision-making.

Consumer Paths – MFour Exclusive
See before and after visitation to understand consideration competitors.

Learn more about setting up a program.

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