First-party omnichannel
alternative data.

License the highest quality first-party event-level, app, web, and/or location visit behaviors from 150,000+ iOS and Android consumers. Use .csv or parquet file deliverables to monitor over 10M daily online and offline OmniTraffic® visits. Validated behaviors at your fingertips to create your own custom analysis of 2+ years of historical and go-forward data.


The Big Picture:

Consumer actions speak louder than words.

OmniTraffic Behaviors
iOS + Android
2.5 Billion Events
2+ Years History

OmniTraffic® Data is the key to understanding consumer journeys.

Dean of the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas

How is MFour better?

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How is MFour Better

Consumers are dynamic. So is our data. We utilize OmniTraffic location, app and web behaviors collected from the same consumer to meticulously observe the who, what, where, and when of online and offline visits. Then we complement this comprehensive analysis with validated surveys to delve into the underlying reasons for consumer decisions—uncovering “the why.” And we’re the only company approved by Apple to do it.

Navigate consumer research with compliance confidence.

In such a tightly regulated industry, you need partners & data you can trust. Simplify complex behavioral research with MFour, drive innovation, and gather insights, all while staying fully compliant with iOS, Android, and government regulations.

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Navigate consumer research with compliance confidence.

Fair Trade Data®

Triple-opt-in, monthly compensated consumers provide you:

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Fair Trade Data™
App + Smartphone Usage 

Mobile web clickstream. App usage. In-app actions, including purchases inside. All with timestamps and dwell.

Brick + Mortar Location Visits

Address, latitude, longitude, business name with timestamps & dwell.

Demographic Profiles

Age, gender, ethnicity, geography, income, education, children in HH, pets, military status, job industry, small business owner.


Field custom or syndicated surveys to understand “the why” behind unique behaviors, or to profile your unique segments.

Reach the right audience with MFour.

DAU (Daily Active User) For iOS and Android


Consumers sharing brick + mortar data.


Consumers sharing app + web data.


Consumers sharing both brick + mortar and app + web data.


MoM rentention with the Payday program.


iOS consumers sharing app + web data.


Android consumers sharing app + web data.

Under 18 6%

18-24 31%

25-34 33%

35-49 22%

50+ 8%

Gender Male 41% | Female 59%
Caucasian 47%

African-American 25%

Hispanic 17%

Asian 5%

Other 6%

MFour’s Award Winning Panel

Tier 1, top-rated panel by Qualtrics

Tier 1, top-rated panel by Qualtrics

Rated #1 panel quality provider by three survey data platform providers

Rated #1 panel quality provider by three survey data platform providers

Industry avg respondent rejection rate = 25%+, MFour's = 0.4%

Industry avg respondent rejection rate = 25%+, MFour’s = 0.4%

Top-rated research app on iOS and Android

Top-rated research app on iOS and Android, 4.5+ stars

Who OmniTraffic® Data Helps

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Who We Help
  • Investment & Asset Management
  • Private Equity
  • Venture Capital
  • Consultants
  • Aggregators
  • Agencies
  • Corporations

See Use Cases Here