Better products, informed by validated data.

Capture validated consumers’ true feelings about a product, gain insights to identify areas for improvement that align with your consumers’ desires, and enhance your product’s overall appeal and performance. 

Better quality feedback happens in-the-moment.

vTracker+™ - Customer Satisfaction
Visit Pattern Targeting

Find out who visited you or your competitors’ locations, track their online and offline visit patterns – whether they are loyal, agnostic, or lapsed consumers – and survey them to gain valuable insights into their thoughts and preferences about your brand or your competitors.

In-Store – Point of Emotion®

Collect shelf level feedback from consumers about their preferences and opinions about your brand within 24 hours of their in-store experience, ensuring accurate insights for your brand strategies and customer relationships.

Every interaction is an opportunity.

Quickly analyze emerging trends and consumer behaviors to swifty adjust strategies and capitalize on new opportunities, while staying ahead of the competition by monitoring their activities.

Enhance your market presence by evaluating and adjusting your product placement, pricing strategies, and promotional activities to address declining sales and boost performance.

Gain a comprehensive view of how your product 
fits into your consumers overall spending to 
develop personalized strategies that boost loyalty and repeat purchases.

Capture validated feedback from consumers to strategically plan and prioritize product and feature enhancements, ensuring continuous improvement and innovation that meets consumer and market demands.

Adapt to Market Changes

Capture the metrics that matter

  • Shelf Life Performance
  • CLV, customer retention rate, & loyalty
  • Market share & competitive win rate
  • Product feedback score
OmniTraffic® Behaviors
  • App, web, or location analytics
  • Shopping behaviors
  • Social media engagement
Brand Perception Dashboard

Track your product’s performance, monitor competitors, and analyze validated behaviors all on one platform.

Learn more about vTracker+™