Mastering YouTube ad recall:
Achieving a remarkable 45% success rate.
The goal.
The goal.
Picture this.
A hot, juicy, deliciously fresh burger. Hungry? This brand was. For consumer insights. Specifically, they needed data on social media ads. They make a vital part of that hamburger: the cheese. So, while you want a bite of that burger, they need to know how well their product ads are doing on YouTube.
Research was required.
There are two way to get insights into a social media ad. Way #1: use an online consumer panel. You’ll get data in a few weeks. Or, Way #2: use a mobile consumer panel. Ads are served to consumers in real time and their insights are captured at the Point of Emotion® Data in minutes.
That second method also captures behavioral information. The type of phone they’re using, which operating system they have and their demographic details. Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly what type of person you’re reaching in real time? That’s exactly what this famous cheese brand needed.
Our approach.
We used Surveys On The Go® (SOTG).
As the nation’s largest panel, SOTG locates consumers in real-time. Here, the app identified hardware shoppers. And, as they went in-store, the app triggered a survey to this target audience. A 10-minute survey collected their opinions on the display.
And, because it’s an app, the client got:
- Raw emotional feedback: Panelists shared which of the ads left them craving more.
- Behavior-driven insights: Ads were tested in real feeds with qual and quant feedback.
- Accurate data: Panelists were spoken to in real time, and validated via the SOTG app.
The results.
- The ads worked to capture attention and drive awareness in the category. And a new idea for the next campaign was discovered.
- 44% recalled the brand after seeing one of the two ads.
- Key metrics for future ads were defined: likeability, uniqueness and brand opinion.
- Both ads were well-received; Product A was most likely to influence purchase behavior.
- 45% found the Product A ad to be attention-getting.
- 17% of non-buyers expressed an interest to try Product A because of the ad.
- An opportunity exists to tie the brand name to the category for additional product sales.
- 68% could cite the product category in the ad.
- 13% were able to tie the name of the brand to the ad.