Enhancing in-store findability:
LaCroix’s remarkable 22-point spike revealed.
The goal.
Pure, crisp taste and a fresh, juicy slice of watermelon.
Sparkling water is delicious. And LaCroix is a top brand in this health-conscious category. But, this popular brand was also facing a problem. Why? Their category is extremely crowded.
So, how will LaCroix push back against an increasingly co gain more sales?
Research was required.
Simple. Talk to shoppers while they’re still in the aisles. Ask them to take pictures of LaCroix and other available options.
That’s how you find out about the competition—and their consumers—so you can continue to differentiate the brand.
This is the time for a Point of Emotion® survey. To see exactly what shoppers want—and influence them to buy your brand.

Our approach.
We used Surveys On The Go® (SOTG).
As the nation’s largest, highest-rated consumer panel, SOTG locates consumers in real-time. Here, the app looked for sparkling water drinkers inside of stores. They walked over to the category and SOTG triggered a survey to their phones.
And, because it’s an app, the client got:
- In-store insights: SOTG intercepted shoppers in the store.
- Behavior data: Was collected in-the-moment from shoppers.
- Accurate data: Panelists target & validated via the SOTG app.
The results.
- Sparkling water lovers tend to drink multiple brands. To further differentiate, LaCroix can look into new packaging that stays true to core values and clearly stands out in the product category.
- 44% of LaCroix buyers purchase Pellegrino.
- 43% of LaCroix buyers also purchase Bubly.
- 38% of LaCroix buyers also purchase Perrier.
- Heavy sparkling water users see LaCroix in a great light. The work here is to find ways to connect with less engaged consumers and to bring them into the brands as well.
- 55% say LaCroix offers better flavors compared to other brands.
- 45% say LaCroix is unique compared to other sparkling water brands.
- 29% of light sparkling users think LaCroix is unique—a 16-point difference.
- Product findability is easiest for heavy users, who like the brand—and are under 35. As more brands hit the shelves, findability will decrease. So, a strong differentiation strategy will help here too.
- 54% of 35+ were able to find LaCroix: 14-points behind ages 18-34.
- 51% who didn’t identify LaCroix as their favorite were able to find it: 20-points behind loyalists.
- 49% of light users were able to find LaCroix: 22-points behind the heavy sparkling water users.