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Industry Report
Shelf-Level Insights from Grocery, C-Store, and Mass Shoppers
Winning in today’s competitive retail environment starts with understanding shopper behavior at the shelf level.…
Consumer Express
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Employee Spotlight: Kevin Ha, Research Strategy
MFOUR PROFILE MFour Profile: Kevin Ha, Research Strategy Kevin Ha is a research strategy manager…
Blog Post
Why on-demand data is the best thing since McDonald’s french fries.
🎵”Ba da ba ba ba!”🎵 I’m lovin’ it. Now, tell me you’re not picturing a…
New Phone, Who’s This? See Whose Buying Them & Why.
Those who say they are likely to buy a new smartphone soon are more likely…
Does shopping data determine your entertainment preferences?
Where are you shopping and can that determine how you watch movies? We can see…
Blog Post
Now, on demand data decides who wins: online or in-store electronics?
So – who wins – in-store or online? The answer is … it depends. See,…
Survey + behavior stories: Who’s visiting the Walmart app 75% more?
On MFour Studio, we have a unique opportunity to follow the same 2,000 consumers month-over-month…
News & Events
MFour ranked in top 89 Consumer Applications companies in California list.
In the news: MFour Mobile Research was featured in “The Most Innovative Consumer Applications Companies”…
Blog Post
Shoppers are cutting back, here are 5 ways to protect your sales.
The current inflation rate is at it’s highest since 1982.1 Ouch. Let that sink in…
Blog Post
5 ways smartwatches are sexy: hint, it has to do with cash.
Tech is sexy. It’s sleek, it’s convenient, and it looks great on. But, there’s so…
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