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2021 Halloween, by the numbers.

2021 Halloween, by the numbers.

Don’t be scared. It’s not Halloween … yet. And, this is great data. So, come…

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How a TikTok video destroyed months of data.

How a TikTok video destroyed months of data.

Oh the power of the internet. 56 seconds. Yes, that’s all. It took just 56…

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Target — why male Gen Xers are flocking to the app. 🎯

Target — why male Gen Xers are flocking to the app. 🎯

It’s 3:22 pm. Tuesday. The kids are at school. I’m at work. But, my husband…

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Olive Garden is proof — that dine-in ISN’T dying.

Olive Garden is proof — that dine-in ISN’T dying.

You sit down. Shelly, your best friend, settles into the chair across from you. She’s…

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Two Americas—Amazon vs. In-Store.

Two Americas—Amazon vs. In-Store.

You should see this. Two weeks ago, we touched on two Americas, the shoppers emerging…

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Race to market share: why Uber is losing rides to Lyft.

Race to market share: why Uber is losing rides to Lyft.

It’s 1:37 am. I’m at the airport. It’s completely empty. No one’s here except my…

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Data privacy: why it matters in market research.

Data privacy: why it matters in market research.

Data is no longer free. To be honest, it never really was. But the powers…

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Look at this…👀 Netflix use drops 18%.

Look at this…👀 Netflix use drops 18%.

You should know. Streaming services … they’re not so hot with Gen Z right now. …

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Why you should switch your tracker: digital & mobile.

Why you should switch your tracker: digital & mobile.

The U.S. economy is built on consumerism.  And buyer behavior has been a bit uncertain,…

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