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17 bizarre income trends. 👷🏼👩🏼‍💼

17 bizarre income trends. 👷🏼👩🏼‍💼

People shop differently, based on what they do for work. Surprised? Take a look… Here’s…

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The snuggle is real —  21 brand-new baby insights.

The snuggle is real — 21 brand-new baby insights.

He’s beautiful. This precious boy with deep, chocolate-brown eyes is staring straight into your soul….

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A great customer experience: why 86% will pay you more for it.

A great customer experience: why 86% will pay you more for it.

You crave impact. Not just any customer experience. No, no… You want to be the…

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Summer sales — 5 things your buyers will spend $5k on.
Research Report

Summer sales — 5 things your buyers will spend $5k on.

You can feel the heat. Right now, as it’s warming up outside — things are…

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Pet research: 18 new insights about your furry friends.
Research Report

Pet research: 18 new insights about your furry friends.

Check it out. We talked to 200 cat + dog owners, as they walked out…

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24 unexpected behaviors of generations X, Y, + Z.

24 unexpected behaviors of generations X, Y, + Z.

Things have changed… Add a pandemic — to three very different generations…and shopping habits start…

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[Boys vs. girls] new data on 150 apps, stores + websites.

[Boys vs. girls] new data on 150 apps, stores + websites.

It’s here. The answer to a centuries-old question — how do men shop, vs. women?…

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New research: consumers are happy, receptive + ready to spend.

New research: consumers are happy, receptive + ready to spend.

For brands, this is an exciting time to engage with happy consumers. Americans are resuming…

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Closing the sales gap: Rescuing $5 billion with exit intercept surveys.
Case Study

Closing the sales gap: Rescuing $5 billion with exit intercept surveys.

The goal. It’s a hole. You know it’s there. Every day, a group of non-buyers…

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