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Here’s why voice-enabled ads are so effective.

Here’s why voice-enabled ads are so effective.

When given the choice, consumers may want to actually talk to your brand, rather than…

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Customer experience is king: see why 59% are loyal to cell carriers.

Customer experience is king: see why 59% are loyal to cell carriers.

Customer experience is king.  Here’s what 200 people had to say about their phone carriers.  See what…

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Why TikTok hit #1 in no time at all.

Why TikTok hit #1 in no time at all.

We compared 3 apps, here’s what happened. TikTok is in the news. On repeat. Like…

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How businesses can double online shopping in 4 months: Strategies and success.
Case Study

How businesses can double online shopping in 4 months: Strategies and success.

The goal. Is eCommerce here to stay? One national grocery chain needed to answer that…

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iOOH™ effectiveness: How a doggy billboard achieved a 28% consumer recall rate.
Case Study

iOOH™ effectiveness: How a doggy billboard achieved a 28% consumer recall rate.

The goal. It’s a multi-million-dollar investment. You craft high-quality dog food. Puppies everywhere love the…

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Cracking the code: Unveiling why 74% of omnichannel shoppers stay loyal to retailers.
Case Study

Cracking the code: Unveiling why 74% of omnichannel shoppers stay loyal to retailers.

The goal. eCommerce is up 41%.1 That’s more in two months than in 10 years—combined….

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Is Amazon a monopoly?

Is Amazon a monopoly?

We asked our consumer panel… They said yes. 59% of in-store shoppers and 52% of…

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Your company’s guide to surviving the recession

Your company’s guide to surviving the recession

Your buyers are scared. They’re not spending like before. But, here’s data on how to…

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Amazon Prime is losing 49% to this company.
Research Report

Amazon Prime is losing 49% to this company.

Prime risks losing 49% to Walmart Plus. We talked to geo-validated Walmart shoppers and Amazon…

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