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$potted: new social media shopping habits.

$potted: new social media shopping habits.

69% buy on social media after researching online. They’re creating new, digital shopping habits. With…

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New habits: 76% now buy online, pick-up in-store.

New habits: 76% now buy online, pick-up in-store.

Foot traffic has evolved. Once an “in-store” metric, it’s now expanded to include online impressions…

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See why: social media use is up 50%.

See why: social media use is up 50%.

Validated app data shows that social media is up 50%. But every channel is different:…

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50% spike: In-store visits in CA, NY, TX, GA, WI, & NV.
Research Report

50% spike: In-store visits in CA, NY, TX, GA, WI, & NV.

New York in-store visits spiked 50% in six weeks. Some states are seeing a slight…

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Listen in: New York attitudes and thoughts on COVID-19.

Listen in: New York attitudes and thoughts on COVID-19.

New York is an epicenter of behaviors and opinions. As the hardest hit, New York…

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New loyalty: 12% buying preferred brands.

New loyalty: 12% buying preferred brands.

It’s an even playing field. Fact is, 72% of shoppers ditched brand loyalty. Now, brand…

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Geo-validated traffic: the top 5 DMAs return.

Geo-validated traffic: the top 5 DMAs return.

Foot traffic screeched to a halt in March. As states set-up stay-at-home protocols, consumers took…

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The new hierarchy: four stages of the COVID-19 consumer.

The new hierarchy: four stages of the COVID-19 consumer.

We’ve all been amazed by the speed at which our economy went from overdrive to…

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Meet them where they are. How mobile research gets you closer to consumers.

Meet them where they are. How mobile research gets you closer to consumers.

We’ve all felt the shift. The economy, largely driven by consumer spending, has impacted buying…

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