25 brands who do research – RIGHT.

It’s halftime.

Yup. We’re halfway through the year. Crazy, huh? So, sit back with a snack, we’re about to check in on your favorite brands — to see their market research. Right now. Here are 25 brands (+ 25 tips), on great research.

Scroll down, or check out the full report. 😘

1. Walmart:

The world’s largest retailer is busy. 

Since 1962, Walmart’s tried to steal market share away from — well, everyone. And, during COVID, they gained pretty good ground. For starters, they released Walmart+ to rave reviews in September of 2020, after seeing a 74% increase in what was (for everyone else) a rough Q2 that year.

Then, they got 95% to buy on Black Friday. Not to be outdone, Walmart went on to claim 57% of in-store shoppers, by offering better deals than Target. 

Tip #1: Be like Walmart. Compare app research with in-store research, for an omnichannel view.

2. Amazon:

All hail the eCommerce king.

This brand is powerful. So strong, in fact, that 56% believe Amazon is a monopoly. But, the truth is, people love the convenience of the eCommerce giant and Amazon Fresh — 95% said they’d buy from it. Clearly, Amazon is on to something. And their research is killer too.

Tip #2: Act like Amazon. Talk to real-time buyers, after validating their app behaviors.

Amazon beats Walmart in books and movies.

3. Target:

This website is surprisingly popular for men

But, that’s not all for the red retailer. When it comes to baby, beauty, clothes, and decorations — Target beats Walmart across all 4 categories. So, how do they get data? Simple. Talk to people at all locations as they leave. Then use it to impact the shopper experience. Way to take insights to the bank.

 Tip #3: Take after Target. Do real-time research by demographic: age, gender, and income.

4. Hershey’s:

Okay, I’m craving chocolate.

While I head to the cupboard, you should know 31% will unwrap a Reese’s — over Twix, Kit Kat, and others. Why? Well, 85% say it’s delicious. Can’t argue with that. Guess it pays to talk to Target shoppers as they cruise the candy displays. After all, almost everyone has a sweet tooth. 

 Tip #4: Do like Hershey’s. Reach category shoppers in-store to gauge brand awareness.

5. Molson Coors:

Cheers to beers.

Beer’s probably tied with chocolate for most COVID consumption. Times are stressful, for sure. And with 87% tying brand selection to taste — Molson Coors is staying on top of research. After talking to beer drinkers leaving 7-Eleven, the brand found 41% like Blue Moon for its taste.

 Tip #5: Follow Coors. Track your targets’ trends, over time.  

6. PlayStation:

PS5 is super popular.

For Christmas, PlayStation 5 was the #1 present. And with 40% willing to spend $500 or more — it was in price range too. But, a brand’s buzz fades in time. So, how has the console kept up with the competition? By watching where, how, and who’s playing video games. You can do that with a market research app.

Tip #6: Be like PlayStation. Talk to real buyers about the competition

7. Xbox:

Don’t sleep on Xbox.

They did game research too. And found it was 20% more difficult to find a PS5 than an Xbox X Series. That’s data Xbox can use to convince consumers to buy an easier-to-find console – their own. That’s the power of accurate data, you can use it to make great business decisions.

Tip #7: Play like Xbox. Find new ways to beat the #1 player in your market.

8. Colgate:

So fresh, and so clean, clean.

That’s how the data looks at Colgate. And, it’s not just because 92% expect to buy the same, or more, soap + sanitizer in the next 3 months. The brand is keeping up with the 52% of Target shoppers who buy Softsoap – to ask the surge in sanitizer. As they leave the store. Now, that’s smart. 

Tip #8: Be smart like Colgate. Ask buyers to share why you’re seeing a spike in sales.

9. Ulta:

Maybe it’s Maybelline.

Or, maybe it’s not. But, Ulta knows 81% that walk into their store buy make-up. Even more impressive, is that they’re beating out Sephora. That’s right, 61% prefer Ulta to Sephora, for the selection. And during lockdowns, they thought the beauty retailer did a better job of keeping things clean. Nice work, Ulta.

 Tip #9: Advance, like Ulta. Take market share by learning from buyers, and adapting.

10. Red Bull:

You’re tired.

Want a Red Bull? It’s the #1 brand in taste, quality + energy. Consumers crave the carbonated zing it brings – 72% say it gives them an edge. So, whether or not you need their stamina, there’s certainly something to learn from their research efforts, it pays to watch where and how your buyers consume.

Tip #10: React, like Red Bull. Find out why people buy your brand, then market to them.

Red Bull wins in taste, quality + energy. Only loses in price.

11. McDonald’s:

It’s the fries.

They’re McDonald’s secret weapon. When it comes down to it, 77% prefer the fries over at the Golden Arches than at Burger King. But, there’s more here too. It’s also the top-visited restaurant, regardless of gender or income. Now, that’s saying something. You can get that granular too.

 Tip #11: Mimic McDonald’s. Identify your market segments by age, gender, and ethnicity. 

12. Snapchat:

Let’s hang out.

On Snapchat, 65% are socializing with friends and family. And, 42% are there for games and entertainment. This app plays a major part in social media. After all, 72% are on Snapchat for friends and 37% used it more during the pandemic. Just a few of the gems that come from app + web insights.

 Tip #12: Take after SnapChat. Check out your app activity, then survey real users.

13. Spotify:

Hear that?

62% of people listen to Spotify to find new tunes. It’s why they partnered with Snapchat, for greater engagement. The kind that comes from sharing music on social media. Sounds like it’s working, Spotify is the leading Music app for both genders — ranking high for guys and girls — in the top 50 apps.

 Tip #12: Listen to Spotify. Use app research to create powerful partnerships.

14. Best Buy:

They all do it.

You search online, then buy in-store. It’s only natural, especially for big purchases. In fact, Best Buy found 7 in 10 shoppers search online first. And, 52% who shopped in-store, bought something. Imagine how many ways you could create a better shopping experience with that data.

 Tip #14: Learn from Best Buy. Run omnichannel research, especially if you sell large ticket items.

15. CVS:

You’ll love this.

If you’re a curbside shopping fan, you should know that CVS will now host your Best Buy purchases. That’s right. The two retailers paired up to put customers first. Maybe that’s why CVS is the King of Convenience, with 58% shopping at that location, chosen over Walgreens.  

 Tip #15: Copy CVS. Make it easy for consumers to buy — with real-time insights.

43% of consumers say they are very likely to use curbside delivery for their next Best Buy purchase.

16. Starbucks:

Go ahead, be extra.

At Starbucks, special drinks are celebrated and 81% went custom on their last order. Buyers are also more likely to customize in the app. Using research, you can learn things like 39% ordered more on Starbucks’ app during the pandemic. That’s data you can use to build an awesome app experience.

 Tip #16: Study Starbucks. Create a killer app strategy using data from actual users.

17. Costco:

Toilet paper anyone?

Don’t worry, it’s back in stock. At Costco, 30% are finding items easier now than they were 6 months ago. Good thing, since 47% shop here every week. Yet, app use is down quite a bit. Now that stockpiling is no longer in season, the app has dropped 51%. Time for Costco to incentivize users.

 Tip #17: Compare to Costco. Use app metrics to guide your ad strategy.

18. Sam’s Club:

A lesson in NPS.

Did you know Sam’s Club beats Costco with a 46% net promoter score? Here’s how. By exceeding expectations – 95% now spend more (or the same) at Sam’s than in lockdowns. That’s a key lesson to apply, 86% will pay you more for a great customer experience.

 Tip #18: Learn from Sam’s Club. Let buyers help you build a better experience.

19. Trader Joe’s:

Hawaiian shirts.

…And great prices. If you visited a specialty store this week, there’s a 72% chance it was Trader Joe’s. Especially if you have kids. Everything they excel at lends itself to families — customer service (84%), deals (64%), and a family-friendly environment (78%). This store is for the family next door.

Tip #19: Take after Trader Joe’s. If you sell to families, hear what they want from your brand.

20. Whole Foods:

High-end consumers.

They’re at Whole Foods, shopping for better quality (61%), selection (61%), and variety (67%). Maybe that’s why 72% see it as a specialty store. Either way, the Amazon-owned brand has found its niche: high-end buyers and top-quality products. Clearly, they’re delivering.

Tip #20: Watch Whole Foods. They know how to serve a niche, using in-depth data.

21. Nestle:

Babies, kitties + puppies.

…All have Nestle in common. 63% of moms rely on Gerber to care for their babies. Meanwhile, pet parents sure love Purina, with 37% buying their kitty litter at Walmart and 28% grabbing their pet food at PetSmart. Nestle knows its target market — very well.

Tip #21: Know, like Nestle. Find your best buyers, and never let them go.

22. Mondelez:

Milk’s favorite cookie.

Mondelez is known for its beautiful ads. They’re working. At 49% (Oreo) and 29% (Ritz), Mondelez dominates both cookies and crackers. Speaking with natural category shoppers is how this brand keeps on top of its strategy, making sure its ads still resonate with consumers. 

Tip #22: Market like Mondelez. Get Point of Emotion® insights as shoppers leave the store.

49% of consumers prefer to purchase Oreos for cookies. 69% say taste is why they buy their favorite brand.

23. Johnson & Johnson:

Health is in.

And with 71% taking Tylenol and 59% using Benadryl, J&J is in the lead. They know 68% of consumers shop online at least once a month for healthcare products. So, now is the time to stage a strong online presence, as 54% hear about their skincare products from social media. Are you social media ready?

Tip #23: Join J&J. Check out your social media and test ad effectiveness.

24. YouTube:

Level up.

YouTube is a popular place. Not just for the 46% of video gamers, who want to level up, but for advertisers too. So, it might be nice to know 63% find YouTube ads relevant — and 40% click on them. It’s a great time to do app research, like YouTube did, to track consumers across multiple channels.

Tip #24: Watch YouTube. Follow consumers in multiple channels, to track their behavior.

25. Zynga:

It’s game time.

Zynga gives us Farmville, Word with Friends, and Zynga Poker. These games are so popular, that 51% play them 2-3 times a day to pass the time. So, it was helpful to find out that 84% of their audience was already on YouTube, for (you guessed it) game help. Ta-da! A perfect ad channel, YouTube.

Tip #25: Be like Zynga. Study your buyers’ behaviors to find out where to advertise.

40% of consumers say they click on YouTube ads they see. 47% of consumers are moderately satisfied with ads.

Now, it’s your turn.

These brands have built a great foundation.

Use their ideas for your own research. Uncover what your buyers are doing right now. Then, find the best places, times, and ways to reach them. It’s easy to get started.

Here’s a 7-day free trial.

By Allyson Wehn

Reviewed by Sydney Lewis

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