But first, coffee + 3 new Starbucks stats

Is Starbucks THE destination for dieters and dumbbell lovers?

🎵“What a man, what a man, what a mighty good man …”🎵

Say it with me now…

“Yes, he is!”

See, you may think that all Starbucks visitors are women. But, don’t. You’d be wrong. After all, there’s a healthy bunch of men out there who actually frequent the local Starbucks a lot more than you may think. So, let’s dig a little deeper into the Starbucks male.


I already know what you’re thinking. 

Starbucks isn’t really seen as a healthy place for a person to visit. After all, we all remember Edward’s famous – and now viral – Tik Tok order. That drink was definitely not healthy. But, hear me out, here. Healthy men need coffee too, and they’re a great demographic to target.

Here, take a look before you get skeptical.

Men's visitation to Starbucks differs based on their focus on healthy eating.
Figure 1: Men who eat healthy like to hit up Starbucks.

See that?

We asked these Starbucks-going men whether they find eating healthy or exercising to be more important. Overwhelmingly, 21% say eating healthy is more important than working out. 



This, my marketing friends, is an opportunity.

Starbucks is bringing in men, and, while these healthy men may still dream of warm, decadent chocolate chip cookies the way I do (yum 😋). For the most part, they want healthy fare. 

So …

If your brain is already buzzing with how you can cater to this new audience, I’m thrilled. That’s exactly where I want you to go. Picture this. Starbucks can increase its food offering to go beyond the single protein pack it offers now and dive in deeper to support its healthy clients.

For example.

Maybe there’s a chance to consider adding more healthy food options geared toward men who may be on the Paleo, Keto, or Pegan diets. Or, maybe there’s a unique way to partner with a new provider for a vegan muscle protein drink.

The possibilities are endless. 

So, while you chew on those, let’s look at women for a minute. Here’s what we found …

Women's visitation to Starbucks differs based on their focus on healthy eating.
Figure 2: Women who visit Starbucks will trade health for fitness.

They’re not like men at all.

In fact, there’s a clear difference between how women and men respond at Starbucks. For women, 37% believe exercise and fitness are important. Meanwhile, 34% say eating healthy is. Clearly, they like both, there’s not as much disparity with men. But when it comes to health?

Men win.

Now, what does it all mean? 

Well, first of all, we’re seeing a clear separation of demographics here. Women want a little joy in their life. They’re more likely to indulge in a latte after a great gym sesh. Men … not so much.

Here’s how it applies, my sweet Starbucks marketers.

You can happily go out there and hype up fancier drinks for females. Based on the behaviors we’re seeing above and their survey inputs, they’re more likely to indulge a little. Meanwhile, you can work on a healthier option for men. 

And, best of all?

You can also try out new channels for Starbucks advertising, too. I bet you never thought about outdoor ads placed outside of gyms to attract females for an indulgent pick-me-up. But, you should. See, they will have just “earned” the right to live a little. Play into that interest. 

For men, branch out a bit. 

Consider ads in Men’s health magazines and aligning to new channels where healthy males may be looking for a place to grab a quick, healthy snack. You’ll need to train them to rewire their habits a bit, sure, but Starbucks is a fast and efficient option … and they’re everywhere. With a little creativity, you can create a fantastic campaign. 

Want more? 
Check this out. You can get 7 days of insights like these at no cost. Keep the data you collect.

By Urielle Corcuera

Reviewed by Avani Patel

Posted on March 26th, 2023

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