Employee Spotlight: Heri Prieto, Technology.

Heri Prieto smiles at the camera.


Heri Prieto is an engineering manager, whose team of talented software engineers works on the Android and iOS app, as well as the API. When he’s not working, he enjoys playing soccer and rock-climbing. He is also an avid guitar player and doodler.

Were you always interested in working with computers?

No. I used to think “working with computers” meant working in IT support. I have never been much of a hardware person and therefore didn’t think I’d ever be good at it. I was considering being a math professor. It wasn’t until right after high school I was playing pickup soccer with some friends and one of them suggested we use this new app called “Uber” to get a ride. I downloaded the app, signed up and the first thing I saw was the car icons representing real world drivers moving around a map. My mind was absolutely blown away. That night after a quick google search I learned more about Uber and learned about “coding”. It was pretty much over at that point. I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

What advice do you have for people looking to start their careers in engineering?

Build and launch something! A simple app, a simple website, a crypto coin. Anything. You’ll learn SO MUCH and I don’t think it’s possible to not become obsessed after accomplishing that.

How did you hear about MFour?

A recruiter reached out and told me about this cool company looking for an iOS engineer who would work on an entire iOS app with hundreds of thousands of users.

What do you like most about MFour?

First and foremost, the culture. I have never seen so much diversity in one company at all levels. It’s a beautiful thing.

What’s an accomplishment you’re proud of working on at MFour?

Seeing how much the app has improved since I joined! Of course, I didn’t do it alone. But still! Experiencing viral growth and overcoming the scaling issues that came from it.

What is a lesson you learned early in your career which you carry with you?

Be prideful in your work.

How important is workplace diversity to you?

It’s incredibly important. I’ve loved working with people from other cultures and backgrounds. It’s exposed me to new ideas, stories, and foods. 

Who is the most influential role model in your life?

My parents, aunts, and uncles. All my life I’ve heard them tell stories of working hard in their avocado farms back in Mexico. My uncles would brag about their effortless technique for chopping down acres worth of sugar cane plants with only an axe. I started working in my uncle’s landscaping company in middle school. He criticized my broom sweeping technique until he was satisfied with it.

What’s an interesting fact about yourself?

I’m the first grandchild on both sides of my family. Being the oldest cousin and having all your little cousins ask you for advice is kind of weird.

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MFour Employee Spotlight: Heri Prieto, Technology.

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