Venmo payment for better market research + data science.

Venmo on a phone

Mobile payment apps are now mainstream, with nearly every consumer using Paypal, Venmo, Apple Pay or other apps to complete all types of transactions online. They’re not only quick and convenient, they’re increasingly secure, and people are increasingly comfortable using them. The global mobile payment technologies market is expected to grow from $68.85 billion in 2021 to $86.91 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 26.2%, and could reach $212.70 billion in 2026.

While PayPal has been the most often used mobile payment app for completing online transactions with merchants and businesses, Vemno is becoming the preferred app for smaller transactions and transactions among friends. The app now has more than 85 million users and is super easy to set up and use.

For these reasons, MFour just announced that it has added the ability to use Venmo for receiving cash payments in exchange for completing surveys through its market-leading Surveys On The Go®  (SOTG) app – the largest, highest-rated survey app, with over 2.5 million users. Our vast and diverse panel of consumers use SOTG to provide feedback and opinions about their in-store and online experiences with the world’s leading brands along with Fair Trade Data®, in exchange for cash incentives. We’ve found that the Golden Rule works – when you treat people well, they return the favor.

Venmo makes it fast and simple for our SOTG users to get paid for completing surveys – and that further increases completion rates. As a result, it’s faster and easier than ever for us to deliver meaningful market research and data analysis to our clients. Our cash incentive model and quick, seamless payments enable us to collect the most complete and accurate stated and behavioral data, and it’s why we maintain the largest, most representative consumer panel in the U.S. No other market research provider can deliver OmniTraffic® data available from MFour.

MFour has mastered the art of combining market research and data science to deliver actionable insights to brands about how their products and services are perceived and experienced, both in-store and online. By focusing on transparency, privacy and on-demand delivery of consumer insights, we are ushering in a new paradigm for mobile market research. 

Learn more about the MFour Studio platform, or reach out to schedule a personalized demo.

By Avani Patel

Reviewed by Urielle Corcuera

Posted on August 15th, 2022

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