Employee Spotlight: Joan Martinez, Research Services.

Joan Martinez, Research Services

MFour Profile: Joan Martinez, Research Services

In honor of Women’s History Month, we are running a MFour Profile series to celebrate female MFourers and their contributions. As the Director of Research Services, Joan Martinez identifies client objectives and implements quality research deliverables to meet clients’ needs and reinforce MFour’s innovation leadership among research companies. When she’s not working, you will likely find her volunteering at a local charity or on the golf course.

What do you do at MFour?

I supervise a team of amazing research consultants who manage quantitative studies across different verticals. If not working on projects of my own, I also assist in broader company initiatives that lead to operational efficiencies and new innovative solutions.

What do you enjoy most about your role at MFour?

I love that I get to solve puzzles and uncover truths and my role at MFour allows me to do that efficiently. I also love that I have an opportunity to mentor other people and share the knowledge that I have gained in my 20+ years of experience. MFour fosters an environment that encourages development and growth, and I can work not only with my team but people in other departments.

What has been your favorite project while working at MFour?

This is a tough decision! If I had to pick one, I would choose my very first at MFour. It was a Directed Shop that helped our client understand reactions to its new product packaging. It’s memorable because it revealed how MFour was streamlining traditional market research processes through innovation. Prior to MFour, I had not encountered an all-in-one solution that could easily capture insights and media at the Point of Emotion®. The icing on the cake was the ability to recruit respondents to buy the product and conduct an in-home evaluation.

What’s something that has surprised you about working at MFour?

MFour has a lot of trust in their employees, and they value their input for idea generation. It’s an open-door organization and if you have a great idea – they encourage you to follow through!

What do you think makes MFour’s culture unique?

We have great people! MFour’s HR team is fantastic as they commit to finding talented individuals with the right personality fit and who embody our core values. The company also understands the importance of healthy relationships among colleagues and so they are often hosting activities that keep the workplace exciting. Our Green Lantern award is a great example of this where employees can nominate a fellow colleague who has provided exceptional client service or great work.

What does Women’s History Month mean to you?

It’s great to have a month where we recognize all the contributions that women have made but we should celebrate this every day! It is great to reflect and see how women have made a difference to our culture and society. It’s inspiring and a great reminder for anyone to do good things and make the world a better place in any way that you can.

Who are your female role models?

There are so many wonderful women who have a positive impact on my life. My mother rises to the top as she taught me about perseverance. An immigrant from Japan she managed to successfully raise 4 kids on a single income, learn the English language, and earn her citizenship. My mentor, Rebecca, gave me my start in this industry and provided me with the knowledge and guidance to be a great researcher. Finally, my team at MFour – all remarkable women who are making great things happen for themselves and the company!

What characteristics do you think make for a great leader?

Honesty, self-awareness, and helping others succeed. A great leader knows their strengths and weaknesses, and this allows them to recognize the effect they have on others and how to empathize. It’s also very important for a leader to be dedicated to bringing out the best in their people.

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