Employee Spotlight: Julie Huang, Engineering.

Julie Huang


MFour Profile: Julie Huang, Engineering 

Julie Huang is a Senior Engineering Manager on our MFour Technology team and plays an important role in building out tools and workflow automation for internal teams. When Julie isn’t working, she loves to watch tv and play mobile games. 

How did you hear about MFour?

Five years ago, I heard about MFour from a recruiter while looking for a new job opportunity. 

What do you do at MFour?

I am a Senior Engineering Manager with a focus on both frontend and backend code. Currently, I am focused on developing new tools and process automations for our internal teams to make their day-to-day workflows more efficient. I also work with our VP of Engineering to architect and create tech specs for future projects for the team to work on. 

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I love that I can work on a new project from start to finish with the team, being able to go through the planning and brainstorm process and see it through to where the product is released to production. 

What’s something that you’ve been happiest about working at MFour?

I love that when planning a project/product we can think outside the box and be able to explore new technologies to see what is the best tech that suits the projects. 

What is one of your favorite memories at MFour?

My favorite memory at MFour is when the team came together and had a sprint dedicated to plan out technical tasks for a new project. I really enjoyed the whole team working together and collaborating with each other to fully understand the product and plan out what needed to be done in order to deliver the project on time. 

What’s an interesting fact about yourself?

One interesting fact about me is I am a huge fan of boba teas.

How did you get into or decide upon your career?

My parents have always had jobs that required using computers. Ever since I was little, I have loved everything computer related. I wanted to be someone who could create software that would make an impact in people’s lives. As I got older, I stepped into the world of web development as I started to try and build fan websites using tools that are available online. I developed an interest in both the web UI and backend development since then and continued pursuing that as a career. 

What is your most productive time of day?

I usually am the most productive in the late afternoon when there are not as many meetings scheduled. This is the time where I can catch up on any missed slack messages or emails and make sure that I am not blocking anyone from their work. This is also the time where I can knock out items from my to do list and start investigation or planning for future sprints. 

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