How to rapidly grow market share: observe the 2020 omnishopper.

How to rapidly grow market share: observe the 2020 omnishopper.

You’ve got an opportunity…

73% of consumers now shop on apps and in-store: together.

So, with a killer omnichannel approach, you can win massive market share. Here’s how you do it. Learn about the three omnishoppers, and how to market them:

  • Full omnishopper
  • Hybrid omnishopper
  • Alternating omnishopper

In this guide, you’ll uncover each buyer’s needs, and find out how to dominate your market. Stay a step ahead of the competition, download the guide to create a great omnichannel strategy.

Check it out here.

By Cathy Karcher

Reviewed by Theresa Bui

Posted on June 30th, 2020

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