Gatorade: why it’s #1 at 7-Eleven.

gatorade research report, sports drinks research

You’re parched.

A bead of sweat slides down your back, as you end your run. So, you head into the 7-Eleven. Ahhhh … instant relief. A cool blast of air kisses your face at the fridge, as you reach for an ice-cold Glacier Cherry Gatorade.

“Thank you,” you say to the guy behind the counter, as you slide your credit card.

You twist open the lid, then guzzle down half the bottle, before leaving the store. Why’d you choose that flavor, what time of day is it — and why is 7-Eleven #1 for Gatorade? Find out. It’s all here.

By Sydney Lewis

Reviewed by Cathy Karcher

Posted on September 1st, 2021

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