Uber Rider Survey Results: Yes, We Know Which Apps Consumers Have

A new survey of Uber riders by MFour suggests that while the rideshare giant’s  image is suffering, majorities of U.S. customers still like what they’re getting.

What’s more, they say they won’t abandon the service, just because Uber has begun letting its drivers accept tips.

  • A resounding 79.4% of Uber riders said allowing tips is a “great idea” or a “good idea,” while 13.1% felt negatively about it.
  • 67.5% saw the tipping option as a benefit rather than a detriment, because they value the opportunity to reward service.

Scandals surrounding the company and deposed CEO Travis Kalanick have hurt the company’s reputation among more than a quarter of Uber app users. However, Uber still enjoys favorability among solid segments – those for whom personal experience outweighs negative headlines.

  • 28.4% of riders said they perceive Uber more negatively than they had previously.
  • 33.4% said their opinion of the company has improved recently.
  • 27.4% of Uber riders said that Kalanick’s resignation is “a good thing.”
  • 10.8% saw the CEO’s exit as bad for Uber.
  • 23% said they have used Uber less over the past month.
  • 26.2% said they’ve used Uber more over that span.

Most of the respondents who now see Uber more negatively pointed to its corporate scandals.

  • 50.6% cited Uber’s company culture or leadership as the main turn-off.
  • 11.4% said their primary beef with Uber is that “they don’t treat the drivers well.”
  • 14.9% said they feel more negatively because of Uber’s service quality or pricing.
  • 7% said other ride-share or taxi options are now better than Uber.

Among other findings:

  • 56% of Uber riders said keeping basic fares unchanged and encouraging tips is the best way to help drivers.
  • 14.1% favored raising basic rates but keeping the no-tips policy.
  • 21% thought drivers don’t deserve more money and should simply be replaced if they quit.

Asked to sum up Uber, about 10% used terms reflecting recent headlines, including “turmoil,” “controversial,” “crisis” and “sexism.” More pointed to positives, including about 35% who cited convenience, reliability, or fast service.

Survey conducted Wednesday, June 21. MFour used app-targeting to identify Android-using members of Surveys on the Go® mobile panel who have downloaded the Uber app. Responses within two hours from 1,112 riders distributed across U.S. states, territories and the District of Columbia. Respondents divided evenly between males and females; half ages 18 to 34, half 35 to 64.

Questions? Just contact us at the form below or solutions@mfour.com.

By Cathy Karcher

Reviewed by Allyson Wehn

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