Data privacy: why it matters in market research.

data privacy, market research

Data is no longer free.

To be honest, it never really was. But the powers that be — Apple, Google, CCPA, and GDPR — are making darn sure consumer data is now private. You can’t access it unless they want you to.

I know … you’re scared.

You’re in marketing after all, and this change impacts the way you look at ads, metrics, and personas.

Don’t be.

You can thrive and I can prove it. Here’s why:

  1. You know what’s happening.
  2. Fair Trade Data® is the future.
  3. Your research is about to get more accurate.

You know what’s happening.

“This is going to hurt, a bit.”

You’ve heard that before. Those same words likely fell from the nurse’s lips when you had your last shot, as she pursed them, grabbed your left arm — and stuck in the needle. 

Yes, it hurts.

But it also gave you protection. After reading this post, you’ll know exactly what’s going on, and how to deal with it.

See, as a consumer, you have an online fingerprint too. And, each time you visit a website or an app, you leave a little bit of it behind. It sticks in one of these ways:

  1. Cookies1
  2. Apple IDFA or Google ADID2,3

Now, that print is going away, which protects you — and everyone else.

Here’s how it happened. Long seen as an industry trendsetter, Mozilla ended 3rd party cookies in 2019. Then, Apple stepped up to the plate, and Safari killed them in 2020.

Take a look at the chart, below.

Privacy Shifts: Platforms Eliminating 3rd Party Data Access

Now, here’s what it means.

Your data will be more accurate, and we’ll talk more on that in a bit. But, basically, it’s forcing brands to go first-party. You’ll need to start getting your data straight from the source — consumers.

Yes, it’s a little painful, but it’s the right thing to do.

And, here’s how you can be ready.

Fair Trade Data® is the future. 

Before we talk future, let’s revisit the past.

Three months ago, marketers around the world were shocked as Apple took a stand. They released iOS 14.5.4 In an instant, everything was gone. You could no longer see iPhone users’ online activity as 96% of Apple consumers turned off tracking.5

This blew the whole cookie thing out of the water. It erased digital tracking from Phones.

Android 12 is following suit.6

In a two-phased rollout, users will be given a choice. They can opt-in, or out, of being tracked. New devices on Android 12+ will be impacted now, but Google isn’t stopping there. In March, the release impacts all devices in the Google Play store. 

Now, the Google community is a little younger than Apple’s.

So, they may not be as quick to opt-out of tracking as Apple’s older, more affluent audience.7 Yet, you can still expect that there will be a mass exodus of data tracking, regardless. 

Then, there’s the future.


Marketers are most worried about this one. Pixels are the tiny tokens that show if a buyer opened or clicked your email. Apple will eliminate them too.8 So, will Google. In the B2B space, email is the #1 form of marketing for 81% of marketers.9

But, it’s what Google wants. Check it out.

Privacy Shifts: Building a Privacy First Web

It’s clear.

The customer is going to come first, so you’ll have to be ready.

Your research is about to get more accurate.

Still worried?

Don’t be. In addition to having a Fair Trade Data® partner, you’ll get better insights. I promise. This is the start of more accurate data for your brand. It’s filled with reliable research. Use it to make great business decisions. 

Not sure where to start?

Here’s free market research

It’s a database of 1,700 Fair Trade Data® insights. It’s updated every week with fresh insights. You can bookmark the link and use it til your heart’s content. It will always be free.

Need more?

Check out MFour Studio, the world’s first omnichannel platform. It’s got a free 7-day trial. Try them both. Figure out which one suits you best. And, I’ll be here if you need me. 😘



By Allyson Wehn

Reviewed by Theresa Bui

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