The top eCommerce trends you’ll see in 2022.

When 2020 hit, things changed … 


In the first half, eCommerce reached 27% of total retail sales — that’s 10 years of growth in 6 months.

Now, two years later, eCommerce is still evolving. Yes, we live in an omnichannel world, and it’s essential you’re on top of it. 

So, here’s a look at 2022 eCommerce trends.

Trend 1: The rise of mobile shopping.

Mobile sales will be 73% of all eCommerce sales, at the end of 2021.1

That’s a pretty high number. 

And, there’s more.

Of all the shopping channels, mobile commerce is taking the lead for biggest growth — at 12.2%.2 Move over, in-store shopping, there’s a new Sheriff in town. Take a look a the top app and website performers below. You can see in red, nearly half of all the websites are shopping sites. This is all mobile traffic. And, as you’d expect Amazon shopping is right up there for apps.

App + website top performers, for September, 2021.

App + website top performers, for September, 2021.

So, what can you do about it? 

Find out what your buyers are doing on their phone. Collect their app + web data to see where, when, and what they’re shopping for. Once you have that information, you can use these channels to advertise to them directly.

You can even split the data based on demographics. 

With that power, you can identify the persona of everyone shopping for your product. Nice. Now, you can improve messaging, and targeting to hit the right person — at the right time. Before your competition does. 

Mobile shopping is taking 2022 by storm … and you’re in a great position.

Trend 2: Omnichannel strategies are still a priority.

Hang on…

In-store isn’t going away, just yet.

Here’s why.

Today’s shopper is curious and investigative. 

S/he is researching, comparing, and going to the store to see your products in person. In fact, nearly 47% of all online sources come from Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. Well, and social media, as 37% of consumers use it to research products and brands.3

So …

In 2022, omnichannel strategies will still be a priority. This is only furthered by the fact that even Gen Z still shops in-store. A one channel marketing strategy just won’t work. 

You need it all — app, web, and in-store behaviors — to see the entire shopper journey. We call these omnichannel consumer insights and they help your business thrive. 

Don’t worry, I’ve got you.

Whether you need ad planning, product strategy, or competitive intelligence, get it. The right tool is here, and it’s free for 7-days. You’ll look great next to the competition.😘 

Trust me.

Now, before I wrap up, let’s talk data.

Trend 3: Consumers are in charge now.

The customer really is king.

In 2022, data privacy is everything. Buyers can now control who sees their data, and they’re 100% supported by Apple and Google. This matters. It changes how you can track and handle their data. You can also land on the wrong side of the law here, easily.4

So, be careful.

I’ll help.

Here’s a little secret. You can use Fair Trade Data®, to avoid all this. Fair Trade Data® is the ethical way to collect data. It connects you to people who want to be in your research. In fact, they’ve asked to be included and are paid to share their opinions. 

You get the data you need, straight from the source (consumers) — the right way. 

Now concerns about privacy, no trouble from the law.


So what’s the lesson here?

It’s simple.

2022 is a couple months away. Plus, you know, we’re in the middle of holiday season, and we all know how fast that time flies by. 

Prepare now.

Start thinking about next year. Picture the projects you need to run — and the ones you think are likely to pop up. Get together with your team. Then, choose a research partner you can trust. Preferably one with app, web + location data from a first-party panel. You can start now with 1,699+ free research insights.



By Maksym Minin

Reviewed by Cathy Karcher

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