Market research + data science = MFour success: A look at MFour’s market momentum.

Market Research + Data Science = MFour Success: A Look at MFour’s Market Momentum.

In our increasingly digital world, data is king. Organizations leverage data for nearly everything, from improving and business operations and spend, to accelerating product development and improving product quality, to understanding market trends and – what MFour does best – analyzing customer behavior and preferences. Market research is our specialty, and we combine that with data science to help our clients evaluate and optimize their product strategies to drive sales.

Companies understand the importance of thorough and effective market research, which is why the global market research services market is expected to grow from $76.42 billion in 2021 to $82.62 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.1%. With the world’s largest and most representative consumer panel, and targeted solutions for gathering and analyzing market and consumer data, MFour is poised to capitalize on this growing market like no other firm.

What are the secrets to our success? We combine intelligent market research with behavioral data for unprecedented, actionable insights that help our clients beat the competition.

Higher-than-Projected Growth 

In a year characterized by financial volatility, rising interest rates and declining profit margins, we’re seeing high-than-projected growth in two of our core product offerings:

  • iOOH™: iOOH™ is up 112% in the first half of 2022 vs. the same period in 2021, beating our first-half projections by 24%. Our Intelligent Out-of-Home (iOOH™) product gathers real-time feedback from target consumers who have seen Out-of-Home billboards or digital displays. The solution leverages MFour’s proprietary GeoValidation® technology and behavioral data to confirm a consumer’s exposure to the ad, then survey them at the Point of Emotion® – the minute they pass by the ad. This enables us to provide immediate proof of OOH ROI, along with feedback that helps our clients refine their ads to optimize results.
  • Fair Trade Behavioral Data: Behavior Data is up 272% in the first half of 2022 vs. the same period in 2021, beating our first-half projections by 59%. Collected through our Surveys On The Go® app without cookies and in compliance with privacy regulations, our Fair Trade Behavioral Data includes location data, transaction data, app usage, web visits, streaming statistics. Our vast and demographically balanced panel of more than 100,000 million consumers yields a terabyte of behavioral data per day – all of which can be analyzed to surface behavioral patterns, fine-tune consumer surveys, validate survey data, and determine the what, where, when, how and why of consumer behavior.

Our success with these products underscores our ability to unite market research and data science, and create an accurate and complete picture of consumer behavior and product performance. By combining these two disciplines, we provide clients with the information and actionable insights they need to make meaningful changes to their products and go-to-market strategies.

In Q4, we’ll be launching the next evolution of our platform, Consumer Explorer, which will give clients the ability to rapidly analyze broad datasets on their own, to inform business decisions. With Consumer Explorer, they’ll be able to slice, dice and blend survey and behavioral data, and derive meaningful insights they can use to improve their business and drive sales. Consumer Explorer effectively democratizes data, making it accessible and actionable for the masses.

Get Started with MFour

By focusing on transparency, privacy and on-demand delivery of consumer insights, MFour is ushering in a new paradigm for mobile market research. Learn more about the MFour platform, or reach out to schedule a personalized demo.


Posted on August 26th, 2022

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